The difference between the int value ++; and the value;

First come to the code:


    intAddTag = 3000;


    Flag1 = intAddTag;

    NSLog(@”flag1 %d,intAddTag %d=========”,Flag1,intAddTag);

    intAddTag = 3000;

    Flag1 = intAddTag++;

    NSLog(@”flag1 %d,intAddTag %d=========”,Flag1,intAddTag);


like up, the test builder is IOS ,Xcode 5.0 

print :

2013-09-11 16:28:59.530 PeriodPal[5010:a0b] flag1 3001,intAddTag 3001=========

2013-09-11 16:28:59.530 PeriodPal[5010:a0b] flag1 3000,intAddTag 3001=========

so the value is different!!!!


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